Giniling Sloppy Joes

Serves 4

60 mins



1 pack, 200g unMEAT Giniling

2 tbsp olive oil

1 pc, mediumgreen bell pepper, small diced

1 pc, mediumonion, small diced

4 cloves garlic, minced

1 tspthyme

2 tspchili powder

dash or to taste cayenne powder

1 pc bay leaf

1 tbsp tomato paste

¼ cuptomato ketchup

2 tbsp water

2 tbspbrown sugar

1 tspvegemite

½ cup Hunts baked beans, with sauce

To taste salt and black pepper

How To:

1.In a pan, heat the olive oil. Saute the green bell pepper, onion, garlic, thyme, chili powder, cayenne powder and bay leaf until aromatic.

2.Add the tomato paste and saute until it turns rusty in color.

3.Add the unMEAT Giniling and mix thoroughly.

4.Add the tomato ketchup, water, brown sugar, vegemite, and Hunts baked beans. Simmer until it all blends together. Season with salt and pepper.

5.Serve in slider rolls or burger buns, with chips on the side.